
Don’t be a hero

In this article, I discuss heroic leaders and their inevitable decline. How do we break the cycle of hero to zero?

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Avoiding avoidance

In this article I look at one of the least examined and most common behavioural issues in executive leadership – avoidance.

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Overcoming blind spots

In this article, I discuss the issue of blind spots in leadership, providing a practical exercise for uncovering them along with the much harder work of how to manage them, but the results for doing so can be impressive.

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Why do good people do bad things?

In this article, I explore why good people sometimes behave badly in the workplace, why this behaviour is predictable and how we can change it.

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Escape scapegoating

In this article, I look at why scapegoating is so common within organisations, the hugely detrimental effect it can have on team performance and how to tackle this negative human behaviour.

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It’s time to finally grow up!

You are a successful senior leader; you have a reputation for delivery and are admired by your peers. Yet you still feel like something is missing. There is an emptiness, a lack of meaning and a sense that something more is possible.

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Managing the loneliness of leadership

It’s often said that leadership can be lonely. What’s less commonly understood is that in being wholly alone there is an opportunity to be wholly oneself. It’s the key to high performance.

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Become a better leader

Growing mature leaders.
Improving performance.
Making a difference in the world of work.

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